What is OFCA?
The Ohio Family Care Association (OFCA) serves as the statewide voice for the thousands of Adoptive, Foster, Kinship, and Primary Families caring for children impacted by Ohio’s child protection system. Our mission centers on connecting, empowering, and serving these families through Advocacy, Education, and Support.
We work to connect families, support groups, agencies, advocacy groups throughout Ohio and nationwide to learn from and support each other.
We work to ensure the family voice is included in all policy, programs, and legislation development by providing a united voice from all types of families.
​We work to educate others on the lived experience of families connected to the child welfare system.
We work to support all family groups through our warm line and in their ability to advocate for themselves.

Warm Line Support
The warmline is available to support families affected by child welfare. We welcome questions about child welfare, provide resource referrals and assist in navigating the complex system. OFCA aims to support families when they need someone to talk to who understands the child welfare system.